Epstein Barr Virus and Hearing Loss, Menieres, Balance Disorders and Tinnitus
Happy New Year my lovelies! Wishing you all healing progress in 2018. Today I want to talk about Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) again. I know I’ve posted about it before but It’s coming up so frequently in my natural health practice and because there is a general lack of awareness about it, especially among those with hearing […]

Medical Medium protocol for hearing loss – 1 year update
I’ve now been following the ‘Medical Medium’ protocol for about a year (previous posts here and here) so here’s a little update on how it is going. I must admit I’ve been getting a little lazy these last few months. I’ve been indulging more often in meals out, more meat, less raw food and not doing […]
UK Supplements for Medical Medium Protocol
If you are following the Medical Medium (Anthony William) protocol in the UK or EU to overcome chronic illnesses, you’ve probably spent many hours online trying to find the right products at a price that doesn’t blow your adrenals. Some of the brands Anthony recommends such as Pure Encapsulations, Eidon and Gaia Herbs, are just […]
Juicing, blending and chopping with Medical Medium – 4 month update
I’ve been following the Medical Medium Protocol for around 4 months now (first post is here). Seeing as I think, breathe and live this protocol I thought I’d give you a little update, share my passion, and for any other devotees out there, share my tips for how to do normal life whilst on a significantly limited […]
Plan B: Medical Medium Healing Protocol
Its been a while since I posted about my self-healing techniques and I wanted to update you on my new approach which I’m enthusiastically following. It’s important because when I am fully healed and have marveled the medical establishment with my miraculous healing, you’ll need to know how I did it! 😉 Progress on the […]
Nutritional supplements for ear and balance health
When my ENT and GP told me a few months ago, that I had Menieres Disease, I immediately started taking all the supplements in the John of Ohio Regimen for Menieres. Although it can take time to work, and doesn’t work for everyone, some people claimed it had healed them so I gave it a go. Over […]
Helichrysum Essential Oil for hearing loss, tinnitus and ear healing
Helichrysum oil, also known as ‘Everlasting’ and ‘Immortal’ essential oil, is made from the European flower species H.Angustifolium and H. Italicum. The oil is well known for its restorative properties to the skin, liver and nervous system but I discovered that it is also known for its ability to help ear health problems such as hearing loss […]
Detoxing with the Auto-Immune Paleo (AID) Diet
Since I studied naturopathic nutrition, I will always understand diet as being fundamental to our health and healing potential. The first principle in Naturopathy and natural health are to 1. Remove anything from the diet which could be challenging to the body If our body is putting all its energy into processing all the food […]
A Naturopathic Approach to Healing
I really want to share more info with you about the natural healing methods I’m applying to detoxify, strengthen and heal my body. I’ve studied various natural therapies and naturopathic nutrition and this period of illness is giving me a chance to put everything into full application. I’m using naturopathic practices, diet and nutrition, supplementation, […]